
Belt curve Ds square turn

FLOW-TURN’s Square-Turn belt curves utilize a row of cylindrical end rollers (“pucks”) that replace the tapered end rolls of traditional powered belt curves.

  •  Key benefits of this design are:

    • Better Transfer of Product Between Conveyors Square-Turn curves have true parallel belt-to-belt transition to and from adjacent conveyors. Traditional belt curves have tapered end rollers with a variable trapezoidal gap at the transfer point.
    • Reduced Noise The cylindrical end roll design also has the advantage that the belt lacing approaches the end rolls at a slight angle, reducing the slapping noise when lacing reaches a tapered pulley. In addition, the high-density plastic puck material absorbs sound better than steel pulleys.
    • Safer Design Square-Turn curves have no uneven gaps with the potential of creating unsafe pinch points that need to be covered with transfer plates.
    • Easier Integration The drive shaft is absolutely parallel to the shaft of the adjacent conveyor – with tapered rollers, the shafts are at an angle. This avoids interference between drives mounted on the inner curve, and motors are parallel and perpendicular as on a straight belt conveyor.
    • Simplified Parts Management FLOW-TURNS’s pucks are the same size, no matter what curve radius or belt width – belt curves with tapered rollers require a different end roller for each variation of radius or width. For large facilities, the savings in spare parts are significant.

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